Thursday, April 24, 2008

levitated flash experiments in motion

sea.thing slowly undulates across the screen like a leviathan, twisting and turning in its element. click on a segment and it separates from the rest to move separately.

legged.creatures collide and engulf each other.

falgellum are creepy worm-like creatures with a very realistic way of moving.

orbiting.networks - spheres of sizes made by time of mousedown create orbits with their neighbors.

the trema. generator - fills the screen with various sized blackdots.

isoblocks grows a grid of cubes in a background-like space.

cylinder .image.display is a more practical thing, a rotating cylinder of tall images that can be selected and enlarged.

Tim Hunkin clock for the london zoo

Tim Hunkin made an animated clock for the London Zoo that has a whole range of things happening. it seems like a great way of making narrative from moving parts.

flash sound tutorials

Kenny Bellew has a good tutorial for using sounds in flash.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

snapz enlarge tool demo

this smapz tool demo shows a moving window that shows an enlarged area of the screen directly below the cursor. I am not exactly sure where this would fall within the area of movement and info yet but I believe it has relevance to the topic.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

transitoins in yahoo design pattern library

it turns out that Yahoo has a site with different kinds of transitions for web design. some of these are perfect for my catalog of movements made within interface and some of them do help in understanding what is going on in the interface.

the pause that refreshes

this article in UXmatters deals with transitional elements in an interface. interesting points in the article are the ideas of a pause or transition allowing a natural rest period in an interface. there are several examples of transitional elements that allow someone using a product to understand something that is happening.

Jason, if you sent me this link and I'm not crediting you, I apologize ahead.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

transition as interface

Jason said:
I have been thinking a bit about visual morphing and how everything between a and b in the typical morphing process is just fluff (yes, I know I am a weirdo). Anyway, the word "transition" kept popping up in my head.

Transition can be a meaningful form of animation. It serves to communicate the crossing from one thing the next and almost always requires some form of motion. I think in your case you are not interested in motion as transition but motion as stand alone form of communication. However, you can't have motion (or animation) without transition and vice versa.

Sorry for the babble, what I am really getting at is perhaps you could frame your study as "transition in interface" and then nobody starts thinking about bugs bunny or text on wheels. Animation represents all kinds of things you don't care about, transition in interface seems way more appropriate.:)


then he sent a link to this web site talking about transition as an interface element.

and I answered:
good points. I did realize after class on thursday that I didn't emphasize that my interest was movement in interface. I think I am correct to use the word movement rather than animation, regardless of what other people think about it because animation is the enabler for movement but it's the idea that the movement can contain information that I am interested in investigating.

the examples on that article page are really good ones. I haven't been thinking about transitions as simple as these and I think they are strong. thanks for the thoughts.

and don't let me forget that the eagle has landed.