Tuesday, September 9, 2008

links to my processing sketches

pointLight5 is my sketch for moving light around following the mouse. I got it to read mouseX and mouseY.

(speaking of mice, I cleaned a lot of droppings in the studio this morning. pretty yucky.)

useMyClass10 is a space with the point light and another kind of light from the pointLight sketch with some spheres created with a class and some composite cubes with a stationary cube in the same place as a non stationary cube that rotates according to the mouse. it looks pretty cool.

moveClass4 is a sketch that I started with the hope of making the elements of useMyClass float around on the screen. it didn't work out that way but what happened is really interesting. I have no control over this one and I don't know how it does what it does but it does move.

I posted moveClass5 here also but the only difference from moveClass4 is the background color. today I couldn't see the darker one on my screen, probably because I was facing the rising sun so I made it lighter.

Jason, exporting processing sketches to html is easy. so I did some for all of you to see.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome, Elaine! I really like how you got the light direction and hue to change with the mouse position. It's a very nice, soft effect.

Now figure out what's making that cube drive around the screen! That looks cool, too, and you should be able to harness it for something.