Thursday, March 20, 2008

link to the iraq war map

The Iraq war fatalities ma is here.

and here is a good critical assessment of the information value of the map from my friend Andrew Gilmartin:

The one element I don't like is that there is no direct representation of deaths over time per region. I understand that this information visual is an animated one and so is intended to be "watched" rather
than "seen" but, being old and gray, I like my information visuals to have a conclusion or a summary and this one does not. So, while each death is marked by a dot and the density of dots does indirectly
represents deaths over time but where deaths are geographically close together then the dots overlap and so the density is less than what it should be. What constituents a region is hard to define; place names
are important for orientation but they might not accurately reflect regionalism. I am sure there is some math that could be used to cluster deaths.

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